Wednesday, October 30, 2019

One word for 2K19

My one word is average

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

coding on minecraft

Today we did learning around coding. i code steve to build a farm and sheer sheep

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

how to stop cyber bullyng

Today I was learning...what to do if you get cyber bullied. I enjoyed...nothing. I found it challenging to...some of it. My digital learning object shows...3 thing on the video. Next time I would change...nothing

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My favourite Tech

My Favourite Tech At Gis Int
My favourite tech so far is cooking because you get to make delicious food like waffles, brownies, spring rolls, biscuits and other yum foods.  We also made a drink from fruit and veg but it tasted like fortnite and it look like crap. It was also good because the tech teacher was nice and I liked it because the room smelt good. One of the recipes we did was really easy because all we did was get a biscuit pastry and jam. We cut out the biscuit pastry in small circles and on every second circle we cut a smaller hole into the pastry then we put jam on the pastry on the ones without the hole in the middle and then we baked them in the oven for around some number of minutes. The biscuit one was probably the easiest one that i can remember but it took around a whole block because the tech teacher had to tell us how to do them. I also liked the savoury scones that we made because they were deliciously good. 
the only bad thing about cooking tech is that you have to do it in pairs and you have to half what you both made with each other. That's my favourite tech so far. bye.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Something I have learnt

I have learnt How to post a good comment on someone I get to choose from a different class. I also learnt what are some rewindable learning that we could do and why rewindable work is good. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019